
 SolidArt was created in 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, when residents with foreign nationalities reach almost 50% of the population, among them many migrants and National Organizations workers.
SolidArt improves the insertion and the well-being of people through various and additional approaches, such as for example :
- art (creative writing, dance, vocal),
- lifelong learning (empowerment, tolerance, self-esteem, conflict management, communication skills),
- ecological concerns (core education, physical education, environmental consciousness),
- languages learning,
A large community of outside trainers supports our activities to enlarge human creativity and knowledge and helps us to broaden the faculties of our offers and apply them more specified.
Also promoting workshops on a wide range of topics (from artistic subjects - as poetry and painting - to sociological sustainability issues). SolidArt targets all the citizens and deals equally with different groups of people.
Our action allows all groups - including those facing socio-economic disadvantages, those with few or no formal qualifications, those unemployed, migrant workers, and minority ethnic groups, those with special needs- to meet up around cross-cultural and cross-societal subjects.
Most of our trainees and trainers, participants and producers, assistants and volunteers, have been attracted by the association for one special topic which matches their need and, eventually, attend other events joining people from different faculties.
With a permanent team gathering artists, trainers, language teachers, social workers, physiotherapists and experts in psychology, adult education and e-learning, SolidArt will bring to the project a support by producing:
- creative writing suggesting language learning text samples for different target groups.
- evaluation of the suggested text samples
- translation of text samples from and into French
- decoding of the translations according to Vera F. Birkenbihl Method.
- recording of text samples
- recording of decoding
- synchronisation of the audio material
- design and layout of the written material
- implementation of a learning solution
- design and experimentation of the app: media, content and user interface
- dissemination of result
- invitation of potential collaborators for future production of neurodidactic language learning tools or become a future collaborator one self.