
ESTL (Executive Solutions Training Ltd), a UK-based registered independent learning provider offers customised training, lifelong learning in personal and professional development, leadership and management skills, and consultancies on Sustainable Development/Environmental issues and Corporate Social Responsibility. The company's work is delivered by a network of more than 12 Associates according to project-specific needs and headed by a Training Director. This model of resourcing enables the company to readily set-up teams of highest quality and relevant expertise to customised training or consultancy. Among adults trained by ESTL are those providing language skills training and having English as a Foreign Language. London Councils spend millions of pounds annually to pay for translation and interpretation. For example, the London Borough of Lewisham provides a fee-free translation service to tenants in over 270 languages ( In addition, in a September 2012 report, English Language for All, the Mayor of London identified the need for a fresh and more effective approach to delivering English language learning, especially for key groups of refugees and migrants ( The planned EU project 'iTongue : the art of language' will complement current initiatives and increase access to new tools for language learning for adults. In particular, the project will engage actively with vulnerable groups such as unemployed women, young people, migrants, refugees and others who form part of the more than 270 languages spoken in London and represent diverse cultural backgrounds representative of integration across the EU. Because of the diverse backgrounds of ESTL's Trainers and adult learners and London as the most multilingual and multicultural city in Europe, adults involved in developing and testing content from the 'iTongue project will include people at risk of social exclusion because of education, income and age, migrants and women. In addition the project will provide a unique platform for testing the multilingual tools, having more adults learn a new language faster and with result in greater economic benefits for Europe through increasing success for job seekers and entrepreneurs. As an SME working with many adults in business and lifelong learning,we can contribute greatly to achieve the second aim of this project to create networks for future production and distribution of innovative language learning tools.