
Useful links


These are links for free sources and free software to support financially independent Leisure Language Learing production.

If you know such useful links, please contribute 


Free music

Find royalty-free music at  freemusicarchive  or   incompetech   or  bensound or youtube or mobygratis


Free images

Unsplash, Creazillafreepikfreedownloads,,
freedigitalphotos  Free use, if you indicate the name of the photographer and the name of this website (you can do this with Irfan View see below “write on a photo”).


Free Top 50 NCH downloads


Sound processing

Voice recording guide 
Download Audacity and find advice in the forum or have a look at our Audacity Handbook or garageband and watch a video about adjusting the volume
Portugueze handbook


Image processing

To convert doc into other formats such as pdf, jpeg, tiff and many others, download the PDFCreator

For photo processing down load Irfan View

Instead of Movie Maker now VideoPad Video Editor  or various other free video tools  

Convert Videos or compress with the freemake-video-converter 

File different documents as one multi-page-pdf-document with FreePDF


ManualsMoviemaker for Videos and Moovly Moviemaker for animate video
Portugueze Movly handbook


Transfer and store  your files for free

Temporal upload at wetransfer   or transfernow    
Permanent storage of :  - presentations slideplayer    - dokuments at scribt     - Sound files at soundcould



Brain-based autonomous thinking and planning



Text edditing

 Brain Quotes


Communication Across Cultures. Mutual Understanding in a Global World”

 Language issues in intercultural communication: pragmatics, discourse analysis, politeness and cross cultural communication. 

Expanding Gratitude: a way to change the world!


including idioms and expressions

New words

These are new terms recently created and used in the media. They represent a sort of update about trends, inventions and novelties.

Unusual words

Cryptic expression for example for saying things more softly.

Word choice

Small-word big-word choices, confused words, poems, nursery rhymes, ethymology, synonyms, business letters, social letters, short stories etc.


English support:

British Council: Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching Edited by Gary Motteram

Anspear: English language applications developed by partners using Anspear's easy authoring system.

Macmillan Education, The Pronounciation App: Mobile English pronunciation aid for students and teachers. Based on the best-selling “Sound Foundations” by Adrian Underhill.