The Parents' Association is composed of a group of parents, who are voluntarily organised in bodies that try to look after the interests of students and families of the Comandante Conceição e Silva school. This task is only possible if all are "hand in hand" with the entire educational community of the school, students, families, teachers and the surrounding community.
The mission of the Parent’s Association is to increase communication and participation of parents and guardians in the school, therefore they started the initiative to distribute a newsletter to parents, teachers and students, in which are presented the activities done so far as well as activities they intend to implement.
The Parents Association is an independent body, which although not directly influence the pedagogical aspects of the educational process of the students of Comandante Conceição e Silva School has the autonomy to identify needs and propose strategies to improve educational conditions, establish partnerships to address situations that compromise the performance education of the students, and to promote initiatives that enhance the enjoyment of being in school and the taste for learning.
Within this context of partnerships, the Association of Parents and School Director, are implementing the "To Give Project" (collecting food, groceries, which will be distributed by needing families of students attending the school) and started to work on the process to put a cover on one of the school's playing fields.
Another initiative is the participation on this Grundtvig Learning Partnership which will allow not only for improvements in methods used for learning a second language and the educational conditions for students, but also allowing the parents to learn, to be in the student role.