The TIÉD LEHET A VILÁG ALAPÍTVÁNY (The World can be yours Foundation)’s mission is to
help people find their personal way towards a healthy and harmonious life style and to be able to contribute to making the world a better place. The support of a natural charisma and the development of readiness for social engagement and active citizenship is a central part of our work. This includes primarily improvement of employability, an essential part of which are our foreign language courses as well as Internet courses for beginners with aggregated final assessment and programmes for environmental education.
Complementary courses cover the development of key competencies such as, tolerance, self esteem, conflict management, communication skills, creative writing, story telling, parent education.
Our target groups are groups facing socio-economic disadvantage, those with few or no formal qualifications, those unemployed, migrant workers, individuals living in rural or deprived inner city areas, refugees, those with disabilities, minority ethnic groups, those with special needs, elderly learners.
The staff of our organisation consists of language teachers, and trainers with psychological and/or consultancy background with more than 20 years experience in adult education