Making FreeRoundTheWorldTrips
There are 2 ways:
A) Download a FreeRoundTheWorldTrip music and add to it something new (languages, images, text)
B) Create a new topic / a new music and find others to take it further with texts in different languages
Things everyone is to respect:
1. Never discriminate what ever or who ever in your texts! FreeWorldTrips are about joining, enjoying, understanding. If it’s with humor, great! But never opposing! Never hurting! It’s all about empathy. Enjoying otherness makes you grow! Once you chance on products at iTongue which do not respect this rule number 1, Please send its link immediately
2. FreeRoundTheWorldTrips are free and so are the free LLL samples: you are allowed to make any use of them as long as you respect the above rule1. Vice versa any one is allowed to make use of your creations (play them at events, take them further by adding new decodings or new verses)
3. Trace it down: where ever you make your FreeRoundTheWorldTrip creation available, indicate at the end of the clip:
Music: …… (youtube name or website of the music’s origin)
Text: .…. (youtube name or website of the text’s origin)
Image: ….. (exact reference of the image’s origin)
If you are a publisher:
1. You are allowed publishing and selling FreeRoundTheWorldTrips by making a loyal and legal contract with the origins of the material used.
2. You are NOT allowed prohibiting free availability of the used materials, neither on Youtube nor any other free provider.
3. You are allowed prohibiting to others the commercial use of the FreeRoundTheWorldTrip products you are selling as long as your product is not out of print but available on the market.