The LLL qualification is the certificate that certifies the qualifications which are necessary for a new profession emerging from the postindustrial leisure and learning societies in the electronic age.
We recommend becoming familiar with the LLL technique by first using the free offers and free RoundTheWorldTrips to acquire new language competences yourself and then assimilating the neurodidactic background information and instructions.
This allows you to experience first and then understand what Leisure Language Learningis about. Here by you are already respectinng the first principal of brain friendly learning: from experience to understanding!
In order to then produce LLL products yourself, you can either joint a course at one of the iTongue partners’ or train yourself autodidactically by help of the above mentioned instructions and free samples finding cooperating partners for the interdisciplinary creation an LLL product represents.
In order to check whether your own productions have reached the required standard, submit one of them. You will then receive feedback and advice.
Once you have submitted 3 samples of your production (in total a minimum of 90 minutes) that correspond with the required standard, you receive the LLL qualification certificate which enables you to open your own LLL shop as an autonomous iTongue producer.