Your Language Shop
Thanks to European funding you get a lot of products for free.
Lucky you!
Did you know that without any time sitting on your desk you can learn a new language quicker than any work on your desk would do?
Try out!
We also provide language decoding courses to enable anyone to start producing these new materials and to be part of the historic breakthroug of common multilingualism.
Linguists, musicians, IT technicians, speakers as well as amateurs are welcome to increasing their competences and obtain qualifications of the informal life long learning programs for new and creative professions of the electronic age.
Courses: innovative language acquisition with electronic support and scientific background information
country | topic/dates | description | contact | ||||
Germany |
Language Decoder Ausbildung ab Sept. 2015 |
Voraussetzungslose Ausbildung zur Bearbeitung von Audio-Dateien zum Fremdspracherwerb. |
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Alphabetisierung |
Der Kurs richtet sich an Eltern, Kindergarten- Vorschul- und Grundschul-Personal: Workshops mit neuem künstlerischem Material und wissenschaftlich fundiertem neuem Ansatz zur Nutzung der Funktionen des kindlichen Gehirns statt ihrer Unterdrückung. Höchst überraschende Ergebnisse! (z.B. dass Legasthenie keine Krankheit ist, sondern ein Talent!) |
09. - 28.08.2015 |
Sommerkurs in der Lausitz: Arbeit, Freizeit Bildung: „Plug & Speak: Sprachen lernen ohne Zeit“ heißt der Zusammenschluss von Gehirnforschung und Fremdsprach-Immersion: erst zuhören während Arbeit, Sport und Freizeit, dann selber anwenden. |
Beginn |
Fernkurs: Einführung in die Entwicklung und Produktion dekodierter Audiodateien für Fremdsprcherwerb mit persönlicher Begleitung. Bei erfolgreichem Anschluss vor dem 1. September, Option der Ausbildung als ECVET qualifizierter Fremdsprach-Dekodierer. |
17.07.2015 |
Audio-Sprachlern-Paket für die Sommerferien den Englischlehrern von 62 Schulen in Baden-Württemberg und 80 Schulen aus anderen Bundesländerndernin vorgestellt. |
10.07.15, 14:00 |
Präsentation von "iTongue Plug & Speak: Fremdsprachen lernen ohne Zeit" im Zentrum für kulturelle Integration des Roten Kreuzes in Genf. |
11.05.15 |
Kooperationsvereinbarung mit der Arbeitsstellen für Bildung, Integration und Demokratie Sachsen im Dienste der Integration von Zuwanderern: "Energie durch Sprache: Europäischer Zusammenhalt durch Spracherwerb mittels beispielhafter Lebensheschichten" |
05.05.15 |
Nominee für Advocate-Europe mit "Powered by Language" |
Fernkurs: |
Einführung in die Produktion dekodierter Audiodateien : Fernkurs mit persönlicher Begleitung |
24.03.15, 14:00 |
Präsentation der iTongue Dekodierer-Ausbildung und Sprachlernmittel bei der Arbeitsstellen für Bildung, Integration und Demokratie Sachsen und der Regionale Arbeitsstellen für Bildung, Demokratie und Lebensperspektiven Hoyerswerda |
Workshop: |
Produktion dekodierter Audiodateien für Fremdspracherwerb |
07.10.2014 |
Präsentation iTongue Sprachlernmittel & Dekodierer-Ausbildung bei KUBIT Kultur und Bildung Tübingen |
EU Tag der Sprachen |
Sprachen lernen ohne Zeit: kostenlose CDs im Netten Lädchen |
24.05.2014 |
Präsentation der iTongue Sprachlernmittel und der Dekodierer-Ausbildung bei der Handelskammer Reutlingen |
Workshop: Decoding Mai-Juni 2014 jeweils Samstags 10 -12h |
Der Fremdsprach-Dekodierer ist ein neuer Beruf des elektronischen Zeitalters. Entwicklung und Produktion dekodierter Audiodateien mit wissenschaftlichen Hintergrundinformationen. Zertifikat der europäischen Programme der lebenslangen informellen Bildung. Anmeldung erforderlich, Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt. | |
Fremdsprachen lernen ohne Zeit! 14.-17.11. 2013 |
Einführung in neurologische Hintergründe und elektronische Umsetzung der Audio-Sprachdekodierung. |
Hungary |
No time? Learning foreign languages without time! |
Development and production of new foreign language learning material with Scientific background information. Linguists, musicians, IT technicians, speakers as well as amateurs are welcome to increasing their competences and obtain qualifications of the European informal life long learning programs for new and creative professions of the electronic age. |
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Workshop on Good and Bad Practices in Language Teaching – collection of DOs and DON’Ts lead by TLV Foundation. Mini-workshop on Autorhytmy. |
Testing Decoded Product with Migrants |
and tested on a group of Migrants from Africa living in Hungary (Partner: MIGHELP). | ||||||
Workshop: Alternative Methods in Language Learning 17th October 2014 |
Presentation of the Decoded Video on Poppy, finalization of the Product. Sharing experiences on teaching situations, alternative methods and easy-to-use solutions in different situations |
Sharing experiences on: the 7 principles of learning a foreign language by Lazarov; the role of music in teaching; coaching and learning; kinesiology as a facilitator in the learning process. Presentation of Good Examples. Ideas for the Advanced decoded video. |
The 7 life-processes vs the 7 learning processes – how to use the decoding method on Hungarian texts and contents. A pilot video has been created and tested together. Sharing experiences and knowledge: Hungarian grammar is not a really good object to be tought with this method, at least not on beginner level. Advanced video is to be created. |
10 /17.04. 2015 |
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30.01.2015 |
Piloting seminar (18 academic hours) 2nd day ( 6 academic hours)
11.00-11.30 - Short reflexion on the 1st seminar day (30 min.) 11.30-13.30 - Workshop 5. Audio designing of the sentences („Movie Maker“). Finalising the decoded products (90 min.) 13.30- 14.00 - Lunch. 14.00-16.00 - Workshop 6. Presentation of decoded product (90 min.) 16.00 -17.00 - Reflexion (60 min.) |
23 - 30.01.2015 |
23.01. 2015 |
1st day (9 academic hours) 10.00-10.30 - Introduction, expectations, rules, presentation of the project (30 min.) 10.30 -11.30 - Workshop 1. Aspects of Neurodidactics theory in language learning/teaching according to the project handbook (60 min.) 11.30-11.45- Coffee break. 11.45-12.45 - Workshop 2. Language decoding method. Presenting the decoded products and the results of the research of decoded products. Decoding the sentence (60 min.) 12.45-13.30 - Workshop 3. Presenting the Audacity program. Practical decoding of the sentence (45 min.) 13.30-14.30 - Lunch / Recording the decoded sentences (60 min.) 14.30- 16.30 - Workshop 4. Audio and visual designing of the decoded products using the IT programs “Audacity” and “Moovly” (120 min.) 16.30 -17.00 - Reflexion. Tasks for homework (30 min.) |
23 / 30. 01. 2015 |
“Neurodidactics Theory Based Foreign Language Learning and Teaching” Piloting seminar (18 academic hours) 16 participants (teachers, students of English courses) |
31.05.2014 |
31.05.2014 |
Working session 3 - Coordinators‘ meeting. The following questions were discussed: survey, partners’ agreement, project website, agenda of London meeting, development of workshop curriculum. |
30.05.2014 |
Working session 2 - Disscussion on the iTongue results. At the beginning the discussions in 3 mixed groups were organised. The task was to discuss iTongue products presented by partners and to find out what was positive and useful as well as valuable and what could be done in another way. |
30.05.2014 |
Working session 1 – Presentations of iTongue project partners. As the partners‘ institutions were not presented it was decided in Portugal meeting that the partner could do it during the 3rd meeting. Of course it was expected that the products / decoded learning material would be presented as well. Before the partners started the presentations they were asked to make notes (what was positive and useful as well as valuable and what could be done in another way...) about decoded products presented by others. |
No time? Learning foreign languages without time! |
Development and production of new foreign language learning material with Scientific background information. Linguists, musicians, IT technicians, speakers as well as amateurs are welcome to increasing their competences and obtain qualifications of the European informal life long learning programs for new and creative professions of the electronic age. |
Poland | Lipiec 2015 | Prace związane z napisaniem raportu końcowego dla Narodowej Agencji. Uzupełnienie wszelkich informacji o projekcie w bazie EST. Końcowa dyseminacja projektu na stronie internetowej Agencji Usług Lingwistycznych Logmar. |
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Czerwiec 2015 | Zebranie grupy roboczej w Logmar 17 czerwca w celu podsumowania projektu. Prezentacja wszystkich produktów, materiałów, tłumaczeń oraz przykładów dekodowanych tekstów-piosenki itongue. | ||||||
Kwiecień 2015 | Zebranie grupy roboczej w projekcie itongue, przygotowanie mobilności na Węgry. Przygotowanie prezentacja Hello Brain. | ||||||
Marzec 2015 | Przygotowanie artykułu „Rybniczanie w unijnych projektach”, który ukazał się w kwietniowym numerze Gazety Rybnickiej. | ||||||
Styczeń 2015 | W dniu 19 stycznia odbyło się zebranie pracowników Agencji dotyczące przygotowania mobilności do Turcji. Podczas burzy mózgów zdecydowano o przygotowaniu prezentacji na temat metody nauczania języków Dedomodo. | ||||||
Październik 2014 | Wszystkie produkty końcowe zostały udostępnione grupie testowej oraz poddane ewaluacji. Kursanci Szkoły Języków Obcych Logmar stworzyli grupę testującą produkty. Każdy z nich otrzymał płytkę DVD z produktami projektu i przez okres jednego tygodnia słuchał produktów 3 razy dziennie. Po tygodniu członkowie grupy testowej wypełnili ankietę ewaluacyjną. Podsumowanie ankiety oraz wynik poniżej. |
Wrzesień 2014 | Dwa nowe produkty w projekcie „iTongue: Our Multilingual Future” właśnie zostały ukończone. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się Green Juice oraz Seniors wake up. | ||||||
Lipiec - sierpień 2014 | W lipcu i sierpniu trwały intensywne prace nad przygotowaniem kolejnych produktów końcowych w projekcie w kategoriach Elementary oraz Intermediate. Zaangażowani byli lektorzy naszej szkoły, którzy podłożyli głos do angielskiej wersji tekstu. | ||||||
Maj 2014 |
Puchatek -gotowy! ITonque w szkołach more... |
Styczeń -Kwiecień 2014 | more... | ||||||
2013 | more... | ||||||
Portugal |
9th Nov 2013 | Presentationof the project at the Municipal Congress of the educational work in Almada Municipality. |
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7th december 2013 | Training to parents members of APEE, on decoding and producing audio and video products | ||||||
No time? Learning foreign languages without time! |
Development and production of new foreign language learning material with Scientific background information. Linguists, musicians, IT technicians, speakers as well as amateurs are welcome to increasing their competences and obtain qualifications of the European informal life long learning programs for new and creative professions of the electronic age. |
Sept. 2014 |
Meeting with School Cmdte Conceição e Silva English teachers |
Oct. 2014 | Translation to PT of UK products; recording audio file with PT speakers | ||||||
Jan 2'15 | Presentation of iTongue activities in parents meetings of each class | ||||||
Meeting potential stakeholders:,, Factory Lda. UCAPA-District Council parent associations Almada |
20th /27th june 2015 | training course to unemployed parents associated to the Parent Association | ||||||
Switzerland |
Network |
Network Multi-Média Formation d’édition de fichiers audio pour l'apprentissage de langues. |
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Flyer du projet Mai 2015 |
Création d’un flyer sur le projet iTongue et envoi aux institutions genevoises qui travaillent dans le domaine de la formation des adultes. | ||||||
Présentation du projet iTongue 18 février 2015 |
Présentation duprojet iTongue à Genève par l’association Solid’Artainsi qu’un des films réalisé dans ce cadre. Le projet iTongue vise à créer des supports multimédias ludiques d’apprentissage des langues. |
Création de vidéos iTongue janvier -octobre 2014 |
Ateliers internes |
Turkey |
No time? Learning foreign languages without time! |
Development and production of new foreign language learning material with Scientific background information. Linguists, musicians, IT technicians, speakers as well as amateurs are welcome to increasing their competences and obtain qualifications of the European informal life long learning programs for new and creative professions of the electronic age. |
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U. K. |
Multilingual Future 18 April 2015 10:00 -13:00 |
Language learning innovations with video and digital technology. | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Learning foreign languages without time! 30.10. -02.11. 2014 |
Development and production of new foreign language learning material with Scientific background information. Linguists, musicians, IT technicians, speakers as well as amateurs are welcome to increasing their competences and obtain qualifications of the European informal life long learning programs for new and creative professions of the electronic age. |
Neurodidactic approach to language learning 11 - 12- Oct. 2013 |
Preparatory workshop | ||||||
Useful links
These are links for free sources and free software to support financially independent Leisure Language Learing production.
If you know such useful links, please contribute
Free music
Find royalty-free music at freemusicarchive or incompetech or bensound or youtube or mobygratis
Free images
Unsplash, Creazilla, freepik, freedownloads,,
freedigitalphotos Free use, if you indicate the name of the photographer and the name of this website (you can do this with Irfan View see below “write on a photo”).
Free Top 50 NCH downloads
Sound processing
Voice recording guide
Download Audacity and find advice in the forum or have a look at our Audacity Handbook or garageband and watch a video about adjusting the volume
Portugueze handbook
Image processing
To convert doc into other formats such as pdf, jpeg, tiff and many others, download the PDFCreator
For photo processing down load Irfan View
Instead of Movie Maker now VideoPad Video Editor or various other free video tools
Convert Videos or compress with the freemake-video-converter
File different documents as one multi-page-pdf-document with FreePDF
Manuals: Moviemaker for Videos and Moovly Moviemaker for animate video
Portugueze Movly handbook
Transfer and store your files for free
Temporal upload at wetransfer or transfernow
Permanent storage of : - presentations slideplayer - dokuments at scribt - Sound files at soundcould
Brain-based autonomous thinking and planning
Text edditing
“Communication Across Cultures. Mutual Understanding in a Global World”
Language issues in intercultural communication: pragmatics, discourse analysis, politeness and cross cultural communication.
Expanding Gratitude: a way to change the world!
including idioms and expressions
New words
These are new terms recently created and used in the media. They represent a sort of update about trends, inventions and novelties.
Unusual words
Cryptic expression for example for saying things more softly.
Word choice
Small-word big-word choices, confused words, poems, nursery rhymes, ethymology, synonyms, business letters, social letters, short stories etc.
English support:
British Council: Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching Edited by Gary Motteram
Anspear: English language applications developed by partners using Anspear's easy authoring system.
Macmillan Education, The Pronounciation App: Mobile English pronunciation aid for students and teachers. Based on the best-selling “Sound Foundations” by Adrian Underhill.
Making FreeRoundTheWorldTrips
There are 2 ways:
A) Download a FreeRoundTheWorldTrip music and add to it something new (languages, images, text)
B) Create a new topic / a new music and find others to take it further with texts in different languages
Things everyone is to respect:
1. Never discriminate what ever or who ever in your texts! FreeWorldTrips are about joining, enjoying, understanding. If it’s with humor, great! But never opposing! Never hurting! It’s all about empathy. Enjoying otherness makes you grow! Once you chance on products at iTongue which do not respect this rule number 1, Please send its link immediately
2. FreeRoundTheWorldTrips are free and so are the free LLL samples: you are allowed to make any use of them as long as you respect the above rule1. Vice versa any one is allowed to make use of your creations (play them at events, take them further by adding new decodings or new verses)
3. Trace it down: where ever you make your FreeRoundTheWorldTrip creation available, indicate at the end of the clip:
Music: …… (youtube name or website of the music’s origin)
Text: .…. (youtube name or website of the text’s origin)
Image: ….. (exact reference of the image’s origin)
If you are a publisher:
1. You are allowed publishing and selling FreeRoundTheWorldTrips by making a loyal and legal contract with the origins of the material used.
2. You are NOT allowed prohibiting free availability of the used materials, neither on Youtube nor any other free provider.
3. You are allowed prohibiting to others the commercial use of the FreeRoundTheWorldTrip products you are selling as long as your product is not out of print but available on the market.
Become a partner
Here you create your own profile and you find the profiles of others.
Create or find jobs
Here you create or find proposals for cooperation on specific Leisure Language Learning products.
Create and publish
Here you find standards, conditions and options for creating, publishing and selling decoded language learning material |
create RoundTheWorldTrips |
Join creative cooperation producing multi lingual songs round the globe. |
become a decoderas linguistas IT technician |
Decoding is about language learning by classical conditioning |
European references |
Here you find the official terms and definitions for language learning levels.
Useful links |
If you know free software that is helpful for Leisure Language Learning production, thank you for letting us know, so we can add the link