EU Education and Culture
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Congratulation to submitting the publication of your LLL product !



We will process it as soon as possible and inform you about its publication or help you with improvement.



See you soon

Your iTongue team 

Become a Decoder           

A decoder is an entirely new profession hugely needed for the production of modern electronic language learning tools.

Multimedia technicians are cooperating as IT-decoders with translators who are working as linguistic decoders.

Both of them need a little ambition and – most important - common sense!
You have it?      Go for it!

The training starts for both of you by experience:
Dive into the ocean of languages by choosing from our free lifejacketstopics that appeals to you.   

1.      Plug it into one of your ears while biking, jogging, shopping, cooking or doing what ever.
2.      Once it starts working and new language bits are sticking to your brain, you are ready for your decoder training.
3.      then click here and have a look at more detailed information while keeping the language lifejackets, plugged in your ear.


18 h Curriculum here

Neurodidactic Information here
Electronic Advice:  Handbooks, Free Software and Sources useful links
Bringing Neurodidactic Knowledge and Electroic Means Together:
Decoding Table here
Dekodierungs-Anleitung auf deutsch hier
Decoding-guide Further manuals for various software here
Further manuals: audacuty, garageband, sound recording here
Decoding Standards here





Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: CEFR




A : Basic User

B : Independent User

C: Proficient User 

    A1: Beginner        
A2 : Elementary                B1 : Intermediate         
B2: Upper intermediate                C1 : Proficient User       
C2 : Proficient User




Effective Operational              



What do I need?
What do I have?
Where do I live?
Who do I know?


about personal
interests, plans,

Abstract topics,
large scale,

Understanding of
detailed, complex.

Everything effortless,
shades of meaning,

Slowly with help
Fluently & use of the tenses
Natural, complex, flexible






New words

These are new terms recently created and used in the media. They represent a sort of update about trends, inventions and novelties


Unusual words

Cryptic expression for example for saying things more softly


linguistic inspiration

Small-word big-word choices, confused words, poems, nursery rhymes, ethymology, synonyms, business letters, social letters, short stories etc.


The LLL qualification is the certificate that certifies the qualifications which are necessary for a new profession emerging from the postindustrial leisure and learning societies in the electronic age.



We recommend becoming familiar with the LLL technique by first using the free offers and free RoundTheWorldTrips  to acquire new language competences yourself and then assimilating the neurodidactic background information and instructions.


This allows you to experience first and then understand what Leisure Language Learningis about. Here by you are already respectinng the first principal of brain friendly learning: from experience to understanding!

In order to then produce LLL products yourself, you can either joint a course at one of the iTongue partners’ or train yourself autodidactically by help of the above mentioned instructions and free samples finding cooperating partners for the interdisciplinary creation an LLL product represents.





In order to check whether your own productions have reached the required standard, submit one of them. You will then receive feedback and advice.  


Once you have submitted 3 samples of your production (in total a minimum of 90 minutes) that correspond with the required standard, you receive the LLL qualification certificate which enables you to open your own LLL shop as an autonomous  iTongue producer.    


You want to know more about                  ?  iTongue Logo




Da kommen dann fotos rein




why iTongue                   


tells you iTongue’s goals








 Link mit


shows you how iTongue is met in different countries








Link mit


links you with the iTongue founders and other partners







learning visions 21



takes you to a platform that supports the educational revolution



science tells us



shows you the base iTongue is built on



decoding languages    


provides scientific information about decoding









is about legs and arms teaching mouth and brain: the correct one-way-road!


© 2013 iTongue
N° 2013-1-DE2-GRU06-16304
« iTongue: our Multilingual Future» has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the respective authors, and neither the Commission nor the project partners can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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